Sunday, October 27, 2013

A Soft Shower: Orly Angel Rain

Hey everybody!  Have you all seen the Orly Surreal collection this fall?  Orly has been releasing some really pretty stuff lately (Sparkling Garbage, anyone?).  I happened up on the Surreal collection on sale and snagged a multichrome beauty called Angel Rain.

Angel Rain shifts from blue to pale green to lavender to pink.  This is one of the most interesting polishes I've seen lately.  I think it's a perfect fairy tale in a bottle...the kind of fairy tale where you don't want glitter and sparkle...just that glowing nimbus quality.

Angel Rain is a bit frosty, but fortunately, it doesn't leave all those pesky brushstrokes with the flashing red signs reading "Totally Tubular!!" 

Angel Rain is very sheer.  I used 3 thin coats for the photos, and I still had visible nail line, although you probably won't...unless you're like me and your nails are 84% calcium or something. :P  You can layer it over a color, but I prefer it on its own.  Be sure to let each coat dry thoroughly to avoid those dreadful little frost bubbles. :/

I had a rather difficult time getting Angel Rain to play nice and show the camera all its beautiful colors.  So much for an angelic personality...

Lavender shift in outside light


Ahhhh...shift to green:  SUCCESS!

Angel Rain is one of those polishes that you have to see for yourself to truly appreciate.  My paltry photography skills simply can't do the amazing multichromosity justice. :)

What do you think of Angel Rain?  Does the lovely color/colors outweigh the frostiness for you?  I will say that I was sitting next to my sister this morning in church under halogen lighting, and she saw this polish on my nails and thought it was pretty special. <3

Thanks for stopping by, and have a lovely day! :)


  1. Light, frosty, and duochromatic is a total win in my book ♥ I almost picked up a bottle of this yesterday, too. I adore your description of "fairy tale in a bottle" because it does have that otherworldly, ethereal quality to it.

    1. It really does look a bit like Electric Cinderella! :P I tried to do a post on this before, but I got my coats too thick, and the stuff just would NOT dry. The second time was the charm. I actually forgot about your liking frosts, so you would definitely like this one. <3

  2. This really is a pretty polish - love the duochrome!

    1. The color shift is so lovely, isn't it? I feel pictures just do not do the polish justice... :/

  3. A glowing fairytail nimbus - what a perfect description!!! It looks so etheral and delicate on you, just beautiful!!! Those shade shifters are my preferred finishes in winter - now did I just got seasonal???? As for consistency: I believe certain polishes need to be transluscent to let their magic work. As for photographing: putting your hand in water will do the trick and bring forward all the colors - I didn't believe it but was astonished when I tried :-) Have a lovely start of the week <3

    1. Awww thanks. ;) I thought about trying your water trick...then I ran outside to see if standing in a sunbeam might do the trick. Oh well, you all got to see a bit of my driveway huh? :)

  4. Eh, not really my cup of tea. But of course, you make it look beautiful! I still think I might need Sparkling Garbage....but is it hard to find?? I've never seen it in person.

    1. Why thank you. :) As for Sparkling Garbage, I found mine at Ulta on a Mash-Up display...there were only 2 of them. In my opinion, it's a very special polish. I even found one at TJ Maxx (I think it was a mistake!) in a 2-pack for $6.99. I gave that one to my sister. It's really amazing how it transforms a color.

    2. Ooooh, I will keep my eyes peeled :)

  5. Oooh I've totally have my eye on this one ever since I saw bottle shots of it. It looks so pearl and smooth and blue, all things that I love! Your swatches are so pretty, and it looks really wonderful on you! :D

    ~ Yun

    1. Thank you!! <3 I'm guessing it's one of those polishes you either love or hate...but it does have an elegance about it...kind of like a 1950's ballgown, if you know what I mean. :)

  6. Hmm, I'm not sure I'm in love with the pale blue color but I do like the pearly look! I love the last photo :)

    1. Aww, thank you! It is a pretty polish, but I agree, it's not for everybody.


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