My Other Hobby...

...well, one of photography.  I especially love to take pictures of pets and wildlife, but I do snap away at other things as well!  ;)  You can see more of my photos here.


  1. HAMSTER ON THE PHONE AND IN A SHOE!??!?!?!?! GAH I can't even... he's so CUUUTE!! You could make me little prints of those and I would be soooo happy!!! :D
    That stream in the woods is so tranquil and gorgeous... my oh my how wondrous is God's creation!!!! Oh and you know I love the ancient architecture (just prior to the hammy in the shoe). You certainly have an artistic and creative eye, my dear! I can't wait to see what else you add here!!


I really love comments. They brighten my day! But I won't make you do all the work...I always answer them! :)