Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Welcoming Fall with Tawdry Terrier Autumn in the Barkshires! (Pic Heavy)

Hey everybody!  I've got a fun post today.  You all remember the fabulously sparkling Tawdry Terrier Dog Days of Summer polishes I showed before, right?  Well, today I have three polishes from their new fall collection, adorably named Autumn in the Barkshires. :)

The Tawdry Terrier ladies, Donna and Kimberley, are exceptional in the art of presentation.  Look at this lovely package!

Puppy in the leaf pile!! <3

First up, I have Hahvahd Hound.  Okay, let me instruct you as to how to say the name:  Raise your eyebrows, tilt your head back slightly, and with your best under bite, say "Harvard." :D  

Tawdry Terrier describes this polish as "a crimson metallic glass fleck polish with a mix of red, orange, and golden yellow glitter inspired by the color of autumn leaves in the Harvard Yard."  It absolutely looks like know, those fluffy-crunchy ones that are so pretty.  

I love this polish.  The color is very unusual; depending on the lighting, it's a deep red or a rust or sometimes a pinkish-bronze.  Awesome!  The metallic sheen is really pretty.  I used 2 coats of Hahvahd Hound for photos.

Next up is a lovely green called Pawsome Pines.  So very pretty!!  

Pawsome Pines is described as "a pine green glass fleck polish with heavy blue and green shimmer inspired by a moonlit stroll through the pine trees."  Hey, if want shimmer, I want it heavy!  This shimmer is fantastic. :)

The color is dead-on pine green.  I know this for a fact because when I was a little girl in the 70's, my Mom had a very fashionable green polyester pantsuit that she called her "pine green pantsuit", and Pawsome Pines looks just like it :)   This is a beautiful green, and I don't have another green quite like it in my collection.  I used 2 coats...the formula was great.

Oh...I must have been a very good girl, because the Tawdry Terrier ladies generously gave me a bonus polish.  And it's my very favorite from the entire grab your blue tick hound and join me for a Harvest Moon Possum Hunt!


...what's that?  Oh, sorry...I was mesmerized by my own photos. :D  Would you just LOOK at this??

Harvest Moon Possum Hunt is described as "a chocolate brown glass fleck polish with gold, red, and holographic shimmer inspired by the color of the woods, as seen under a warm harvest moon."  They had me at "holographic shimmer."  

Harvest Moon Possum Hunt looks like magic chocolate.  Beautiful, sparkling, magical chocolate that doesn't make you fat.  I used 2 coats for shimmery perfection.

The Autumn in the Barkshires collection can be purchased at Tawdry Terrier's Etsy store.  Harvest Moon Possum Hunt is not sold separately, but it's an exclusive bonus polish you will receive when you purchase the entire collection.  Trust's special. :)  Tawdry Terrier's polishes are 5-free.

What do you think of the new fall Tawdry Terrier polishes?  I love a polish that's a bit unusual in color, and all three of these have that characteristic.

Thanks for stopping by, and have a lovely day! :)


  1. Glad you enjoyed our polishes! Your pictures are gorgeous!

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you like the photos. :) The polishes are so very lovely...Possum Hunt is blowing my mind!

  2. She really makes some unique polishes. I love Pawsome Pines!!!!!

    1. It's really lovely, and such an interesting green! Just when you think you've seen all the greens...then comes a true pine. <3

  3. Harvest Moon Possum Hunt is absolutely enticing! It almost takes my breath away (which is good since the name is such a mouthful). As always, you wear it well :)

    1. Ummmm...huh? Oh, sorry...I was staring at my nails. :P Thank you, my dear! :)

  4. These are all beautiful but I especially love Harvest Moon. I find myself attracted to shades like it recently and this one is super pretty.

    1. I completely agree, Thuy. It's truly a special color...and the sparkle...AHHH!!

  5. Replies
    1. They're so fall, it makes me long for my knee boots!! Unfortunately, I'll be waiting until late November to bust those out...

  6. The Hahvahd Hound looks amazing! I love the metallic-ness! and the name is very fun :)

    1. I know, right??!! And it's such a unique color too. :)

  7. Hehe all three are so fun and appropriate for fall! Really lovely colors! :)

    ~ Yun

    1. I'm glad you like them! I love the uniqueness of the colors. And the fact that they remind me of drinking cocoa. :D

  8. Love all these! Harvest Moon Possum Hunt is my favourite too, damn no shipping to Aus!!! :(

    1. LOL...I'm sorry, Em. I'm really sorry, because it's so stinkin' gorgeous. :(

  9. Glad you like them! Harvest Moon Possum Hunt looks great on you!

    1. Ahh, thanks! I totally agree!! :) You guys outdid yourselves on that one!

  10. Great post Melissa! I really like the green and the brown one!

    1. Thank you Jezz! :) The brown one has captured my heart. <3

  11. They are just beautiful! I hate post offices hahahaha

  12. Hi Melissa - awww what a gorgeous nailmail and how caringly wrapped!!!! I find all three of them very unique - the first one indeed reminds me of heaps of leaves (I love to jump into them despite my inappropriate age for this - LOL). And your reference about your mother's pantsuit triggered memories of my mum and her pine green winter coat - exactly this color!!! The last one is so elegant, my and it complements your porcellaine skin so perfectly!!! Great post, great review!!! <3

    1. Yes Christine, that was some lovely nail mail! :) Wow, your mom had the pine green duds too?? They were terribly fashionable! I do love them all, but I confess that the Possum Hunt is the BOMB. :D

  13. I want the Possum Hunt! Hahahaha and I have to say I followed your instructions on how to say Hahvahd and it worked perfectly, I was giggling to myself as I said it LOL!

  14. Oh, my, my! HArvest moon is so amazing! I think I need that in my life!
    It's gorgeous, I love your swatch and your pictures are so arty, I really love the one in which you're holding a necklace (is it a necklace? it looked like one to me)
    Btw, I'm not trying to object your pronunciation techniques, but I'm quite sure "Hahvahd" is pronounced by stretching your neck upwards, while slightly approaching your chin to your neck. LOL!

    1. LOL!! Hey, whatever method works to make it sound as upper-crust as possible! :D Harvest Moon IS amazing...I love it so much. And thank you for complimenting my artsy photos, LOL...I try ever so hard. And yes, it is a necklace...I have even more jewelry around the house than I do nail polish!!
