Friday, March 7, 2014

Plum Pretty!! butter LONDON Prince's Plums

Hey everybody!  Who is ready for the weekend?  Hmmm...that's funny, so am I! :D  And so on this fabulous Friday, I have a beautiful polish to show you.

A couple of weeks ago, butter LONDON did a terrible thing:  they had a half-price sale on a TON of polishes.  Oh well.  I might have bought...a couple?  I spotted Prince's Plums, which was previously a Nordstrom's exclusive, and was intrigued by it.  Then I heard it..."Melissaaaaaaaaa..." :)

I love this polish.  Goodness gracious, it's pretty.  It even wowed my hard-to-impress Mom.  It's blurple in the bottle, but on the nail it's a fantastic metallic purple with a strong red shift.  And don't even get me started on the abundant blue shimmer.  Taken together it's perfectly plum-colored.  Wow, go figure! :P

I used 3 coats of Prince's Plums to get an even application.  I had no problems with flooding, but it had a tendency to look patchy in spots, so a third coat fixed that problem nicely.  In direct sunlight, you can see a lot of blue in this.  I think it's a unique color and completely wonderful. <3  But alas, I had the same problem I've had before with BL...and no, not the shameless chipping of the Knight Who Shall Remain Nameless...tip wear.  BUTTER LONDON, WHY DO YOU HATE ME???  *Sigh.* 

Okay, I'm over it.  Wow...did I mention how much I love Prince's Plums?? :D

Do you have the pleasure of owning this plumtastic shade yourself?  Prince's Plums is easily one of my favorite purple shades EVER.  Some things are worth the tip wear. :)

Thanks for stopping by, and have a lovely day! 


  1. Me - AGAIN!!! This might be a moment whenI run out of superlatives- LOL!! I only saw bottle shots and this naughty little gem didn't give away its beauty in those pictures. I think this is one of the most beautiful polishes next to your skin. Have a lovely weekend <3

    1. It's always nice to talk to YOU again. <3 Running out of superlatives is a good way of putting it. It's just soooo gorgeousssss!

  2. Replies
    1. It really does remind me of the plums on the tree in the yard where I grew up. Only those didn't have the blue shimmer. :P

  3. Oh my god!!! I have seen this on their website but of course they don't ship here and and nowhere else does not even ebay that I've seen and I love it and omg!!! I can't believe you have it! It looks just like I imagined!!! So gorgeous!!! :D

    1. You know...I hadn't even heard of it until I shopped on their website for the sale. It is SO's my favorite of the *cough* few I bought. :D

  4. WOWWEE WOW WOW!! This reminds me of two of my very favorite Nail Prisms and I can guarantee you that the tipwear isn't any worse than those two with a 3-free topcoat over them. HOW did I not know this existed?! I knew I should have checked out that sale, after all. It is interesting how certain brands just work better on some people than others. I've been learning that chippage and tipwear also depend on the shape of my nails. Stuff lasts longer on my points than it ever did on my squares, lol.

    1. Isn't it the prettiest color?? It's so unusual, and every way you turn your hand is a total winner! <3 Hmmm, that is interesting about stuff lasting longer on your points! Seems like it would maybe wear off on the...points? :D


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